
Is an image on paper base is known as a print. Photographers control the camera and lens to "expose" the light recording material to the required amount of light to form a "latent image" which, after appropriate processing, is converted to a usable image. Photography has many uses for business, science, manufacturing, art, and recreational purposes.

Client: Body N' Soul Graphix

This is a Picture I took of a Dj for an event I was hired to capture special moments throughout the night with video and stills. I was able to get great pictures and video throughout the night despite the low levels of light.

  • Description: The general approach to this project was to capture the kids having a good time. The material is going to be used on their event pages to promote future events for the production companies involved.
  • Skills: Photoshop CS4 and Photography.

Client: Body N' Soul Graphix

This is a picture I took when scouting a video location for a video project I was on. We are under a bridge that fit our scene perfectly. Its grungy look was very appealing to the story we were telling.

  • Description: The general approach to this project was to find the best location for our next few scenes in the video we were making. We wanted dark and grungy while still keeping the most natural light as possible to avoid bringing extensive lighting equipment to the location. We had great success with this location and were able to make the deadline of the project.
  • Skills: Photoshop CS4 and Photography.

Client: Body N' Soul Graphix

These are a few pictures I took in St. Paul of the RNC riots. Our team was there to see the concert but to make it accross the bridge we had to walk through the protestors. It was quite the experience to see this event transpire. In the end I was able to get some great shots of the soldiers used and the protestors as well. These are the two shots I enjoyed the most.

  • Description: The general approach to this project was to capture the walk leading to the concert. The number of Police and soldiers used in this protest was intense to say the least. The riot formations and extensive Police patrols were astounding and inconsievable if you weren't there your self to see it.
  • Skills: Photoshop CS4 and Photography.

Client: Body N' Soul Graphix

This is a Picture I took of my newly born cousin. She was quite fussy with being in her walker deal, but I was able to play around a little and get her to focus on me. In the end I was able to get some great portrait shots.

  • Description: The general approach to this project was to capture my baby cousins different expressions. I was able to have a lot of fun with this shoot cause I had two other little ones to capture as well. Triplets can be quite the task when you want to capture them at their best. In the end I was able to get some beautiful pictures of my three cousins. These are my two favorites from that day.
  • Skills: Photoshop CS4 and Photography.

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